Your Holiday Claims

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Severe Gastric Illness Rhodes Hotel Greece,Kolymbia,Rhodes,

Holiday illness at Rhodes hotel

We have received reports of a severe illness outbreak at the Rhodes Holiday Village, Kolymbia, Rhodes, Greece, which left sixty Britons in need of treatment.

If you have suffered any type of gastro-enteritis with symptoms of stomach cramps, diarrhoea or vomiting while on holiday, contact us as soon as possible for a free consultation. We work on a no win, no fee basis, and you keep 100% of the compensation. Call us free on 080001 54321 or fill in the online claim form.

The outbreak occurred at the Rhodes Holiday Village between June and July, 2010, and as illness swept through the luxury Greek hotel, up to 12 ambulances were parked outside main reception. The bug was reported to have been Cryptosporidium, and symptoms included: vomiting, stomach cramps, sickness and severe diarrhoea.

The hotel had to call in additional medical staff to deal with the outbreak of illness, and to assist large numbers of holidaymakers who were falling ill every hour. The sickness bug affected one side of the Holiday Village, Rhodes and the holiday illness was thought to have been caused by a bacterial bug, as a viral bug would have affected the whole complex.

The tour operator for The Rhodes Holiday Village, First Choice were reported to have told holidaymakers the illness outbreak was caused by an airborne virus. Independent hygiene specialists are reported to have inspected the hotel, although their findings have not yet been confirmed. One source claims the hotel water supply could have been contaminated by sewage, which could cause Cryptosporidium.

If you have been taken ill after staying at the Rhodes Holiday Village, Kolymbia, Rhodes during June or July, 2010, or you have suffered sickness at any other holiday hotel, Farnworth Rose Holiday Illness Solicitors can help you claim the compensation you deserve with a minimum of fuss and hassle. We specialise in cases of holiday illness and injury, and Anne Thomson, who is an expert holiday illness compensation claims, has over 20 year´s experience in the complicated field of travel law.

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At 3 August 2010 at 08:11 , Blogger ethantayson said...

Farnworth Rose has received complaints of a serious disease outbreaks in Rhodes Holiday Village, Kolymbia, Rhodes, Greece and more than sixty British were sick.
Sharm El Sheikh holidays

At 17 November 2012 at 05:13 , Blogger Unknown said...

Dealing with no win no fee when you want a compensation claim is a good idea. It will you get rid of bothering yourself about paying lawyers.


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