Complaints are being received from holidaymakers who have been struck down with sickness at the luxury Riu Bachata hotel in the Dominican Republic.
One couple were staying at Riu Bachata to get married, with a group of friends and family in March 2010 and fell ill with vomiting and diarrhoea just three days into the holiday. The groom-to-be spent his wedding day in hospital, and said that a lot of other guests were ill on the complex, including other members of the wedding party.
He went on to say: "My brother saw a chef come out of a toilet cubicle in his full chef whites. When I came out of hospital I was scared to eat the food which all tasted the same anyway. There is no way it should be classed as 5 star and wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy."
The bridegroom spent another two days in hospital and his bride and many other members of the party also fell ill at the Riu Bachata with severe diarrhoea and sickness.
The Riu Resort in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, consists of Club Hotel Riu Merengue, Club Hotel Riu Bachata and Club Hotel Riu Mambo, and accommodation is provided on an all-inclusive basis.
Another couple at the hotel were horrified when their 18-month daughter was taken ill and they were advised she "could die from dehydration" after being admitted to hospital.
Food poisoning has been reported at the Riu Bachata hotel, Dominican Republic, often during the past five years, and the affected guests are outraged that more is not being done by the tour operator to improve standards at the hotel, or to warn guests of previous problems when they book.
If you have suffered food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhoea or gastroenteritis at the Riu Bachata hotel, or any other hotel, Farnworth Rose Personal Injury Solicitors can help you claim compensation. Contact us free of charge on 080001 54321 or fill in the online claim form.